Are you probing to know what Jordan Mean On TikTok? Heard your pals talking about this inside joke and you are still unaware about the meaning of this viral word? If yes, then you are on the most relevant post. Keep reading and get to know all details about this widespread inside joke form the Chinese video sharing app.
It has remained a common practice for words to take different meaning on social media platforms. Quite similar to all other social media platforms, TikTok users have also created shot-hands for their convenience. Over the time, these short words have become so common that, it is not possible for a new user to get the meaning of these so rapidly.
So, having a sound knowledge of social media acronyms in today’s world is very important to cope up with the social media trends. It is also important to know the linguistic rules of every social media application to be popular among your friends and family.
Writing a whole new sentence has become old fashioned and social media users now prefer to use short-hands. Most of the times, the short lingo is used to hide something from the old generation they have in their friend list (including relatives) or to make it understandable for some specific people. These may contain adult words or special messages as well.
Currently, TikTok users are being divided after a word “Jordan” has went viral on the app. Most of the users were baffled as people kept commenting a same word “Jordan” on all the videos. This word is flaunting in the comment box of TikTok since 2nd April 2021.
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What Does Jordan Mean On TikTok

The word “Jordan” has went viral because of a young TikTok star Jordan Da Boo. This 17-year old TikToker wanted to popularize the word “Jordan” on the app. He calls this “the biggest inside joke on social media”.
After this word was used by so many TikTok users, he uploaded a video on his TikTok account saying “Instead of using the n-word, use the word ‘Jordan”. This video is being removed from his account now.
As the term got enough attention for the TikTok community, the meaning behind this mysterious word was revealed. Though the meaning was revealed by the TikTok users but Jordan Da Boo doesn’t seem happy.
He uploaded another video (deleted later) saying that people are ruining the joke. The caption of this video read, “How have people managed to ruin the inside joke already?” he asked via captions in the video. “It hasn’t even been 24 hours yet.”
Being so tricky, most of the TikTok users don’t seem impressed by this inside joke. The joke is moving towards becoming a controversy as one user said “white people ruined it.” Many users have blamed Jordan Da boo for a poor joke.
Seeing the joke getting worse, user started to share their opinion. One user added “should’ve known that it was going to turn out like this” while another added “inside joke” could damage his career.
These comments have also been removed along with the videos Jordan Da Boo uploaded. It seems like, the young TikToker has failed to impress the TikTok community. So far, he has 900k followers on the video sharing application.
While he has amassed 33.4 million likes on all of his videos. We just hope that, Jordan will reveal the true meaning of this inside joke so that TikTok community won’t get divided anymore.
Final Thoughts
This was all about the viral inside joke from TikTok. Hope the article has enlightened you with all the available information related to this new bandwagon.