The next Pokemon Spotlight Hour is just here and players are wondering to know if Seedot is shiny or not. If you are among these players who are looking to get the details of the spotlight hour date, start time, and bonuses, we have got you covered. Here is everything you need to know about whether Seedot is shiny in Pokemon Go or not.
January is about to enter its second last week and it means a new Pokemon Go spotlight hour. This time the Spotlight hour is featuring the Acorn Pokemon, Seedot but the players are curious to know its shiny status.
The current month has remained quite busy for the Pokemon players as they got to get involved in several events. Some of the major events that players got to get involved in during this month include the Twinkling Fantasy Event, Lunar New Year Event, and the Crackling Voltage event. Besides these events, the players also got to see the usual Spotlight and Raid Hours, Community Days, and many more events.
The current’s weeks spotlight hour marks the third Spotlight hour for the New Year. The first two spotlight hours include Alolan Sandshrew and Swirlix hours.
Here is everything you need to know about whether Seedot is shiny during this spotlight or not.
Is Seedot Shiny During This Spotlight Hour?

The Seedot Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour takes its usual place on a Tuesday evening, usually from 6 pm to 7 pm local time on January 17.
As far as the reward is concerned, the players will earn 2x XP for each of the Pokemon they will be able to catch. It is one of the best rewards for the Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour.
For the players who are wondering to level up quickly, this is the best opportunity for you. Also, if you get to use a lucky egg, it will further enhance bonuses for you. Using a lucky egg, you will be able to earn 4x XP for every catch during the Spotlight hour.
As the time for the Spotlight hour is getting closer, players are getting anxious to get the details about Pokemon’s shiny status. They have taken to Twitter and several other platforms to figure out the shiny status of Seedot.
Seedot Spotlight Hour Date Start Time And Bonuses

For those who are looking to know the shiny status of Seedot, there is good news for you. Seedot can be shiny during January 2023’s Pokemon Go Spotlight hour.
The shiny form of Seedot was first released during a Community Day back in May 2020. It was featured in the Community Day alongside Seedot’s evolutions of Nuzleaf and Shiftry. It also appeared on screen during the mega December Community Day in the year 2020.
Though Seedot will be shiny during this Spotlight hour, it is not going to have a shiny rate. As per the available information, there will be a 1 in 500 chance of spotting one.
If you are determined to lay your hands over the Pokemon Shiny, we would suggest you carry incense and click every Seedot that comes across your way.
In order to spot a Shiny Seedot, you will be required to take a closer look because Seedot’s shiny form isn’t as obtuse. The little acorn hat remains the same color for both the normal Seedot and the shiny one as well. However, keep in mind that the color of its body will change from a light brown to an orange color.
You may also want to read about Is Swirlix Shiny In Pokemon Go
The Bottom Line
This was all about whether Seedot is Shiny during this Pokemon Go Spotlight hour or not. Hopefully, you have found all the details you were looking for.