In this article, we will discuss Drop your Beautiful Daughter Challenge. As you can see various challenges are circulating on social media platforms these days. Some of the challenges goes viral and everyone posts related to that challenges.
Social media applications are best source of entertainment for all the people out there, especially in this time of epidemic. You can find every type of entertaining content on social media, not only that you can also participate in different challenges and puzzles.
But before participating in any activity over social media, we should be careful about the purpose and consequences of that activity. Yes, this is something you should consider before participating in any challenge on social media platforms.

We don’t know from where these challenges originate and what is the main purpose behind them. May be some negative people wants your data for misuse. So you should be very careful before participating in any activity on social media.
These days a new challenge drop your beautiful daughter is making its way over various social media platforms. For some parents this can be a proud and show off to introduce their children on social media, but a group warns that it could lead to some risks.
Now, we will discuss in detail about what is this challenge and risk associated with it.
Like many other challenges drop your beautiful daughter challenge has got viral on different social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Many parents consider it is cool to share the pictures of their children with their loved ones on social media.

Therefore, parents are proudly posting the pictures of their children on their social media accounts. They do this to make others no how beautiful their children are, and to get maximum love reacts and views on their posts.
This challenge has added millions of the posts over different social media platforms and still it is circulating. But a Philippine based group is warning against the posting of children pictures on social media.
Risks Associated with this Challenge
Save the Children Philippine has issued a statement this week. In this, they are warning the parents and guardian against the trending online challenges which involves their children. Involvement of children on social media has the risk of online sexual abuse and exploitation.
The Chief Executive of Save the Children Philippine Atty. Alberto said in a statement, “We call on parents and guardian to be at the forefront of fulfilling the rights of children to be protected from online sexual abuse and exploitation by using social media responsibly and teaching children the proper and safe use of the internet.”
He added, “Even if the pictures posted are not sexual in nature and content, there is a still risk that these can be used by online predators for wrong purposes.”
“While we proud of our children and would love to beautiful pictures of them, let us be more cautious in joining online challenges that may exploit their welfare” he said.
This is the good advice for the parents and guardian who post pictures of their children on different social media platforms, without considering the risk.

When it comes to children online sexual exploitation, Philippine is on the top in the world. That is reason this organization is warning parents against such online activities.
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Daily a new challenges emerge on social media applications. Before participating in online activities especially involving children, parents should be careful. No doubt that every parents love their children and they feel proud to share pictures of them online. But there are lots of predators who misuse the data.