Himsale is the latest online website to make headlines for its collection, but buyers really want to know if it is a scam or a legit website. If you are among the online buyers eyeing a chic pair of sneakers from Himsale, read this review before you make any purchase.
Online shopping brings along several perks and this is the reason why most buyers are shifting to online shopping platforms. From the ease of buying and paying to having products delivered to your doorsteps, online shopping is the best way to buy your desired products.
Besides this, online shopping offers several options and you also get plenty of time to decide among products. For example, if you looking for a pair of shoes, you have several options to choose from, look for websites first, and compare the designs, quality, prices, and shipping cost to determine the best option.
Well, besides these perks, there also are some drawbacks of online shopping. If you encounter a bogus site, you are going to lose all your money and yes you will waste your time and effort as well. Sometimes you may get low-quality products and sometimes you might not even receive a product.
So, it is important to look for website reviews before finalizing any deal online. In today’s session, we are going to help you know whether Himsale is a legit website or a scam. Keep reading!
Is Himsale A Scam Or A Legit Website?

Before getting into the depth of whether Himasale is a scam or a legit website, let’s first look at the products that this viral site offers.
Well, as explained earlier, Himsale is a trendy website that deals in a huge variety of products. From chic sneakers to trendy Goggles, you will find several fashionable items on this site.
Some of the prominent products that we were able to spot on this site include,
- Sneakers
- Socks
- Women’s Tees
- Ray-Ban Glasses
- Air Jordan Sneakers
- Adidas Slides Sandals
Though the products look good, it is important to figure out whether they are legit or not. To find out the legitimacy of these products and websites we have assessed the site on the below factors:
- Domain Age
- Customer Reviews
- Social Media Presence
- Trust Score
- Contact Information
Let’s discuss each of these factors to see if Himsale is a legit portal or a scam.
Himsale Customer Reviews

1. Domain Age
One of the main factors that can help you identify the legitimacy of a site is its domain registration date. If the website is a newbie it is a risky deal and if it has enough experience, it can be relied upon.
Considering this rule of thumb, Himsale seems a risky website as it is registered on August 24, 2022.
2. Customer Reviews
There are no customer reviews available for the Himsale website. It is again a negative point.
3. Social Media Presence
This website is not available on any of the social media handles. It is again a negative point.
4. Trust Score
Himsale has amassed a trust score of 1%, which is a pathetic score.
5. Contact Information
The website has provided all the important contact information including a phone number and email address. The physical address of the company is also available on the site.
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The Bottom Line
Following all the information provided above, we have come to the verdict that, Himsale seems a risky website. You must be careful while purchasing anything from this site. If you have purchased a product from this site already, you can share your experience using the below comment box.