Kailo is the latest online site to catch the attention of buyers and they are wondering to know if it’s a scam or a legit site. If you are among these buyers looking for an unbiased review for Kailo, we have got you covered. Below you will find all the details about whether Kailo is a legit website or a scam.
Knowing that the internet is full of bogus business sites, it has become difficult to shop online. However, the perks that online shopping brings along, force us to count on it every time.
As online shopping platforms are getting the entire spotlight, bogus websites have also created interest in them and thousands of websites have made their way to the internet. In such situations, users are finding it difficult to differentiate between legit and scam websites and often get scammed while shopping online.
Nonetheless, users are also getting familiar with the techniques to check the legitimacy of online sites, which is a really good improvement. If you are an online shopping enthusiast, you too should spend a few minutes doing prior research about any platform that you are going to deal with. Doing so will help you save your time and resources.
If you don’t have the right skills and time to check the legitimacy of online sites, you can simply read our blogs. We always try to come up with legit and unbiased reviews for all trending websites.
Today’s blog aims at providing you with a detailed overview of whether or not Kailo is a scam site.
Is Kailo Scam Or A Legit Online Store?

Before diving into the details of Kailo’s legitimacy, let’s first look at what the website deals in:
Kailo is an online portal that specializes in selling pain patches. The website claims to have introduced an innovative pain patch for people who are suffering from pain. As per the information available on the site, these patches are manufactured with non-transdermal technology which helps relieve pain.
The company also enables its customers to consult a specialist for 20 mins to get the maximum benefits of the product.
To assess whether these claims are true and whether or not Kailo is a legit portal, we have scrutinized the site on the below factors:
- Domain Age
- Contact Details
- Trust Score
- Customer Reviews
- Social Media Presence
Let’s discuss these factors in detail to figure out the legitimacy.
Kailo Customer Reviews

1. Domain Age
As far as the domain age of this Kailo is concerned, it was registered two years ago. It means the website has served the customers for two years and is experienced enough. So far, it seems a reliable site.
2. Contact Details
The website doesn’t provide any contact number, however, it has specified an email address. It also mentioned the physical address of the company which is again a positive point.
3. Trust Score
The website has earned a trust score of 76%, which is reliable. It means the majority of its customers are happy with their products and services.
4. Customer Reviews
We were able to spot a few customer reviews and the majority of them are positive ones. It means that the customers are happy with the services. A green flag!
5. Social Media Presence
The website is available on all of the social media handles, which is again a green flag. Further, the company has amassed a considerable number of followers on its site.
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Final Verdict
Based on the information we have gathered above, we have come to the verdict that Kailo is a legit platform. You must still do prior research before relying on the site.