Eggshell Parenting Meaning – Psychologist Went Viral On TikTok

A Psychologist has gone viral on TikTok for explaining the meaning of eggshell parenting. Several users were able to relate to the video thus the short video clip is circling on the internet these days. If you have come across this video or want to know the meaning of eggshell parenting, we are here to help. Below we have gathered all the details about who eggshell parents are and why they aren’t considered best for their kids. Keep reading to get all the details about this viral video and why the eggshell parenting term is trending on the platform.

TikTok, mainly known for entertainment, has evolved into a lively space that is not just limited to amusement. Beyond dance challenges and comedic skits, TikTok has become a valuable source for spreading health-related insights. The platform’s briefness and convenience make it an ideal medium for sharing quick tips, informational content, and even personal experiences related to physical and mental well-being.

Numerous content creators, including healthcare professionals, nutritionists, and fitness experts, utilize TikTok to share valuable insights on various health topics. From debunking myths about certain diets to providing quick exercise routines, these creators contribute to fostering a more informed and health-conscious community. Users can easily access these short videos full of information, making it a convenient way to stay updated on the latest health trends and advice.

Moreover, TikTok has also become a platform for psychologists to share valuable insights on mental health. Licensed therapists and psychologists use the platform to offer guidance on managing stress, coping with anxiety, and navigating relationships. A similar psychologist has recently gone viral on TikTok for coming up with a sensitive topic called ‘Eggshell Parenting”.

What Does Eggshell Parenting Mean On TikTok?

Image Of What Does Eggshell Parenting Mean On TikTok

Dr. Kim Sage, a psychologist, gained a lot of attention on TikTok with a video addressing distinctive traits of overly protective parents. In her viral content, she emphasized specific behaviors that individuals should be aware of to avoid adopting the characteristics of what she termed as “eggshell parents.” Dr. Sage’s insights serve as a guide for both adults to assess their parenting styles and for young people to recognize these traits within their own family dynamics. Her TikTok video encourages mindfulness about potential tendencies that may hinder healthy parent-child relationships.

In the video she states, “At the heart of emotionally unsafe parenting, is real emotional endangerment. It really is, when I talked about ‘eggshell parents’ a way of putting your child in a position where they have to always be hyper-vigilant to what may or may not happen next.”

According to Dr. Kim Sage, a defining characteristic of an “eggshell” parent is the experience of an emotional rollercoaster when interacting with them. Children may find it challenging to predict their parents’ emotional state on any given day, leading to concerns that their comments or responses could potentially alter the mood unpredictably or shift it to a volatile place.

Who Are Eggshell Parents?

Image Of Who Are Eggshell Parents

According to Dr. Kim, eggshell parents consistently create an emotionally unrestrained environment for their children, marked by intense highs and lows. This perpetual emotional fluctuation places children in a state of constant hypervigilance, forcing them to gauge their parents’ emotional states. Dr. Kim highlights that this ongoing instability is harmful to children’s mental well-being.

The second characteristic of eggshell parenting, as highlighted by Dr. Kim, involves verbal abuse. Instead of recognizing mistakes as part of the natural developmental process, eggshell parents tend to employ threatening language to emphasize punishment. Dr. Kim points out that children are made to feel guilty for their errors as a method of teaching.

Furthermore, Dr. Kim details that eggshell parents often initiate guilt trips through frequent episodes of yelling and screaming. Kim has shared several other traits of eggshell parents that can be harmful to kids in the long run.

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The Bottom Line

This was all the available information about Eggshell Parenting meaning and how this parenting style can be harmful to kids. Was this information helpful? Let us know in the comment box below.

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