Red hair filter is the latest attraction for the TikTok girl army and they are wondering to know how to get it on the video-sharing app. If you are among these TikTok users who are eyeing dying their hair red without dying them at all, we have got you covered. Here is everything you need to know about what the red hair filter is all about and how to access it on TikTok.
Social media is all about filters and effects. You rarely get to see a photo or a video without any filter applied to them. Although these filters have affected our self-confidence to a great extent, they also have helped us in several ways. From helping us to look good to enable us to spend our leisure time in a fun way, filters have bought along several fun elements.
These also are incredible tools for those who struggle to create content on daily basis. Using these filters and effects, content creators come up with some amazing content.
Now, the latest filter that has gone viral on TikTok is enabling us to change our hair color without even dying. So, yes, if you are eyeing dying your hair red, you must try out this filter first to assess whether red color is a good decision for your hair or not and if look good with this color on.
Keep reading to get everything about what the red hair filter is all about and how to get it on TikTok.
Red Hair Filter TikTok

As the name suggests, the red hair effect from TikTok is all about turning your hair red. Just like, the filters that turn your eye into blue, green, and other colors, this effect turns your hair red.
This filter is a good option for those who love changing their hair color. After applying this filter to your hair, you will be able to make a decision about whether or not you should dye your hair.
Several users have applied this effect to create some amazing videos for their TikTok handle and the results are pretty cute. Through the effect doesn’t give your hair an exact red color, it gives you a mix of orange and red colors which look pretty amazing.
As of now thousands of TikTok users have tried this effect already and several others are wondering to know how to access them. If you are among these users unable to spot this filter on TikTok, we have got you covered. Here is everything you need to know about the viral red hair effect from TikTok.
Where To Find The Red Hair Filter On TikTok?

If you are looking to know how to get this filter on TikTok, below we have provided the detail. Have a look!
Before looking for the filter in the effects gallery, make sure you have updated your TikTok app.
- To get the red hair effect on TikTok, firstly launch your updated TikTok app.
- Next, tap on the plus icon and enter the ‘create video interface’.
- Following this, tap on the ‘effects’ option available at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap on the magnifying glass icon (Search Tab) and type “red hair” in the bar.
- As you hit enter, you will get this filter appearing at the top.
- Tap on the filter and try it out.
Record a video to have fun with your friends. Add funny background music and roll it off alongside the hashtag #redhair to get higher reach.
You may also want to read about Ghost Filter On TikTok
The Bottom Line
This was all about what the red hair filter on TikTok is all about and how to get it on the video-sharing app. Hopefully, the information was helpful.