Instagram has rolled out the new Search Viewer Option in stories and users are wondering to know how to get this useful feature. If you are among these users who are looking to know how to get the Search Viewer Option in Instagram stories we have got you covered. Here is everything you need to know!
Social media platforms are constantly evolving. They are coming up with new features every passing day. From Twitter to Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok, all the major social media platforms are striving hard to give the best possible user experience to their followers.
When started initially, Instagram was just a platform to share your pictures. However, it later came up with the stories feature and all other features that we currently have access to. In the story feature the former only photo-sharing app has now added another element and it now enables you to search for every individual who has viewed your story.
Earlier, Instagram users had only access to view the list of people who viewed their stories but now, you can search for the name of individuals who have checked your story. Now, you don’t have to scroll through a long list to check if someone special has viewed your story or not.
Here we have gathered all available information about the viral Search Viewer Option in Instagram stories and how to get it on Instagram. Keep reading!
Where To Find Search Viewer Option In Instagram Stories?

The latest Search Viewer Option in Instagram stories has created a buzz on the internet. Users have found the feature really useful and they have taken to Twitter to express their opinion about this feature.
Though the majority of users have instantly got the meaning of this option, some users are unable to understand what the feature is all about. To all such users who are wondering to know what the Search Viewer Option in stories is, here is everything you need to know about.
As the name suggests, the Search Viewer Option in Instagram stories enables you to type and search the name of a person to see if they have viewed your story or not. This feature is especially helpful if you are sharing a story inclined toward a special person. Now that you have got this feature, you no longer need to go through the long long list of viewers.
So, you can easily find out if your favorite person has seen your story or not.
How Can I Search Viewers In Instagram Stories?

Some Instagram users have got access to this feature while others have not found it on their app. Hence, they are looking to know how to get the Search Viewers in Instagram stories feature.
Well, to all those users who are working hard to get this feature on Instagram, you may not be able to succeed, because the feature will be automatically updated. The only thing that you can do for now updates your Instagram app. If the feature is available in your region, you will get it automatically, and if it is not available in your region, you might have to wait.
For now, check if your Instagram app is updated to its latest version or not! Follow the below steps to update your Instagram app if your app is not set to auto-update.
- If you are an Android user, open the Playstore.
- Search for the Instagram app.
- Click on Update option that appears on the right side of the app.
- Also, set the app to auto-update so that you will be able you will receive all the latest features instantly.
- iOS users can also update the Instagram app from the Apple Store.
Instagram users are really happy to get this much-needed update. Here is how the users have responded to this new update on Twitter:
One user wrote, “Ohhh finally insta has search viewers option in stories.”
Another user added, “Finally @instagram has search viewers option in stories. Thankyou!!,”
I would like to sincerely thank @instagram for adding the Searchviewers feature to stories. I can finally check if my crush has seen my story without taking the trouble of scrolling through the viewers list”, said another user.
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The Bottom Line
This was all about what the Search Viewer Option In Instagram Stories is and how to get it on Instagram. Hopefully, you have found all the details you were looking for.