How To Turn Off Snapchat Story Notification – Here’s How To Do It

Snapchat is one of the most used apps among all the other social media platforms. There are various features and filters, which are being used by the users. But one of the queries of users is how to turn off Snapchat story notification. Some of the people are not well aware of this and quite inquisitive about it. Here, we will be providing all the details on how to turn off Snapchat story notifications. Stay connected for all the information.

Snapchat is a popular social media app known for its unique features centered around photo and video sharing. Users can send “Snaps” to friends, which are self-destructing messages that disappear after being viewed. The app also features Stories, where users can post photos and videos that last for 24 hours. One of its standout features is augmented reality (AR) lenses, allowing users to apply fun filters and effects to their Snaps. Users send snaps on a daily basis and create streaks with their friends. This platform was made for entertainment purposes with various filters and lenses but later this app also turned into an app through which you can earn a huge fan following.

Moreover, Snapchat provides a variety of features and strong privacy which is a plus point. Snapchat’s notification settings let users customize alerts for incoming Snaps, Story updates, and friend requests. This allows users to stay connected with friends while controlling their notification experience. Overall, Snapchat offers a playful and creative platform for sharing moments with friends in a fun and interactive way. But, if you want to avoid such notifications you just have to turn off the notification settings.

Let’s see how to turn off Snapchat story notifications and avoid such stuff. Keep reading for all the updates.

How To Turn Off Snapchat Story Notifications?

Image Of How To Turn Off Snapchat Story Notifications

Snapchat is a super popular app that lots of people use every day. They use it to send messages, pictures, and videos to their friends. One cool thing about Snapchat is the Stories feature. When someone posts a Story, it stays on their profile for a whole day. Depending on the settings, these Stories can be seen by everyone or just specific friends if the person has a private profile.

It’s a fun way to share moments with friends, and the best part is that these updates disappear after a day, so you can control who gets to see them. Snapchat makes it easy to share and connect with friends in a quick and casual way. If you want to avoid the notifications you just have to follow these simple steps mentioned below.

  1. Open the Snapchat app.
  2. Swipe right to go to the chat screen.
  3. Tap and hold on to the person’s name whose story notifications you want to stop.
  4. Click on “Story settings.”
  5. Turn off the “Story notifications” switch.

You can easily turn these notifications back on any time you want. If you want to turn off all Snapchat notifications on your phone, you can do this in your phone’s settings whether you have an Android or iPhone.

More About Snapchat Story Notifications

Image Of More About Snapchat Story Notifications

Snapchat is a popular app where you can share moments with your friends in fun ways. You can send “Snaps,” which are photos or videos that disappear after they’re seen. Another cool thing is creating “Stories” by putting together Snaps that stay visible for a day. Snapchat is known for its fun tools like filters and AR lenses that make your Snaps look cool? You can also chat and video chat with your friends right in the app.

There’s a Discover section where you can find interesting stuff from different creators and influencers. You can personalize your profile with Bitmoji avatars and even share your location with friends using the Snap Map. Overall, Snapchat lets you share and connect with friends through cool features and visual storytelling

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Bottom Line

This was all the available information about how to turn off the story notification on Snapchat. Hopefully, this information was helpful.

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