Ten Legs Eight Broken Poem TikTok – Explained

TikTok users are in tears as they have come across the viral Ten Legs Eight Broken Poem on the video-sharing app. If you have just come across the Ten Legs Eight Broken Poem on TikTok and wondering to find more about the poem, we have gotten you covered. Here is everything you need to know about the spider poem which has left the users in tears.

Alongside challenges and trends, TikTok is also a platform where users frequently share heartfelt notes and personal stories. Despite its reputation for short-form videos, TikTok has become a space where individuals feel comfortable opening up and expressing their emotions.

Users often use TikTok to share personal anecdotes, experiences, or thoughts on various topics. These heartfelt notes can cover a wide range of subjects, including mental health, relationships, self-discovery, and personal growth. Many users find solace in the supportive and empathetic community that exists on the platform.

Through the medium of video, users have the opportunity to convey their emotions visually and verbally, creating a more intimate connection with their audience. These heartfelt notes can serve as a means of self-expression, catharsis, and even as a way to connect with others who may have had similar experiences.

This time, content creators are sharing a heartfelt note of a spider and below we have broken down everything about it. Keep reading to get all the details.

What Is The Ten Legs Eight Broken Poem All About?

Image Of What Is The Ten Legs Eight Broken Poem All About

The spider’s Ten Legs Eight Broken Poem can be found on the TikTok handle ‘Jacob and the stone’. This TikTok account is handled by a user named Emile Mosseri.

This viral poem has addressed the feelings of a spider. The writing has shown us a whole new perspective on how the existence of the spider is not valued. It also talked about the disgust that humans feel for spiders and the meaningless fear that humans feel about this poor creature. Above all, the writing has drawn our attention to the fact that spiders cannot even speak for themselves.

The poem’s title shows the condition of most spiders when they are handled by most of us (humans). As the poem has gone viral on the internet, users are in tears. Many of them have expressed their feelings of guilt for being so cruel to this creature.

Ten Legs Eight Broken Poem Meaning

Image Of Ten Legs Eight Broken Poem Meaning

If you haven’t read the poem, here is how it sounds:

“To the spider, the shadowed creature in the corner of the room, I hate you.

You scared me just as your brothers and sisters did before you and I will tell you what I told them, You are a trespasser that does not belong here.

You entered without knocking.

Roamed freely like this is your home and decorated my walls with unwanted, silk webs without asking.

You may not be the only killer here, but only one of us is innocent and it’s not you.

The spider says to me, it’s brittle body squashed and dying.

It’s not you, either, There is venom infused in my fang-shaped maws, but I was born this way.

What’s your excuse? If you could count your murders, how long would you be counting?

Am I really this threatening?

I thought humans’ hearts were bigger than mine, but you have killed with malice instead of the marrow of your bones and poison bubbling behind your scowl.

And I’m sorry for scaring you, but I didn’t know being seen would cost me my life.


If you didn’t fabricate the pricky feeling of my legs creeping up on your skin while I crawled across the living room floor;

TikTok Spider Poem

If the webs I weaved were made of cotton candy and captured clementines, cherries, and sweet peas rather than struggling wings and blood;

If I had a pink tongue plush fur, a wagging tail, and four legs instead of eight, if I had only two eyes, and they were glittering stars and not supermassive black holes, if I was the same but looked different; maybe you wouldn’t hate me.

Maybe you wouldn’t have loved me, either, and maybe you still wouldn’t have let me stay.

But maybe you would’ve shown me the door or a window. Maybe you would’ve shown me mercy.

(But you are still standing, and I am still sorry.)

I think maybe, no matter how reluctant, mercy would’ve been enough.”

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The Final Thoughts

This was everything you need to know about the Ten Legs Eights Broken Poem from TikTok. Did you find it emotional? Let us know in the comment box below.

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