You might have heard of pink ribbon, but are you aware of what Red Ribbon week is and what it talks about? If not, here is everything you need to know.
As red ribbon week has just commenced, people on the internet are curious to know the purpose behind it. If you are among these people who are looking to get some details about Red Ribbon Week, it is a drug-use prevention campaign that is held every year from October 23rd to 31st in the United States.
This campaign draws our attention towards a critical issue that is endangering millions of lives across the globe. Using this campaign, people create awareness about this widespread issue and ways to address it. There are many ways for you to be part of it. Keep scrolling and get to know how you can be part of this important campaign.
Red Ribbon Week Meaning

Red Ribbon is held every year in the United States to address drug awareness. It is one of the largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaigns that began in the year 1988. It was initially sponsored by the National Family Partnership (NFP).
National Family Partnership is a Non-Profit Organization that was founded as a group of parents with an aim to prevent drug use. Since its launch in 1980, the NGO works for drug prevention.
The red ribbon week has however begun in the year 1988. This campaign is inaugurated every year in memory of Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, a drug administrator, who was tortured and killed. To pay tribute to this unsung hero, his friends, neighbors, and colleagues started wearing red satin badges.
Soon, parents in the USA began to start thinking about creating a group that will address the issues related to drug use. They started following Camarena as their model and adopted Red Ribbon in the memory of Camarena.
According to the Red Ribbon’s official website, “the Red Ribbon serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities to educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities.”
The organization now uses different social media platforms to a reach greater audience. In one of their recent tweets on Twitter, the company Tweeted, “We’re excited to kick off Red Ribbon Week! What activities do you have planned for the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention awareness campaign? Pop on over to our website for a list of educational resources and activities. Visit #RedRibbonWeek”
For the year 2021, the organization uses the slogan “Drug-Free Looks Like Me”.
How To Be Part Of Red Ribbon Week?

The theme of this campaign is, “Drug-Free Looks Like Me”. It is floated by Martin Wurst a 7th-grade student from Solon Middle School in Solon, Ohio.
While talking about the theme for this year, the organization revealed, “It is a reminder that everyday Americans across the country make significant daily contributions to their communities by being the best they can be because they live Drug-Free.”
You can be part of this campaign by following the below instructions:
- You can be a red ribbon ambassador.
- To be part of this campaign, you can plant red flower bulbs which bloom in spring. These plants will serve as a reminder of the “importance and the beauty of a drug free life.”
- The participants can also plan a “CruiseBy”. The website says, “Have each participant decorate his or her car featuring the Red Ribbon Theme and drive through your neighbourhood.”
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Bottom Line
This was all about what red ribbon week is and the reason why it is celebrated everywhere. You can take part in this campaign to have the opportunity to win an iPad and $1000 for your school.