The “pending on Snapchat “notification is quite common. It has a few different purposes, and all of them will give you valuable information regarding your Snapchat contact. Here’s a common question people have related to Snapchat.
Occasionally, users receive a “pending” message and they aren’t sure what it means. It can be easy to get lost in Snapchat’s terminology, but this article will explain everything you need to know about this notification and more.
If you have just recently added someone to your Snapchat friends list, you will most likely see the Snapchat Pending notification under their name, as they haven’t accepted your friend request yet.
if you send a Snapchat to someone and it shows as a grey arrow that says “Pending”, it means the person deleted you on Snapchat or they haven’t accepted your “friend request” i.e. haven’t added you back on Snapchat yet.
They will receive the Snapchat when they refriend you on Snapchat or add you back in the latter case. However, if it’s been several days or weeks that the person has deleted you, and if you’ve sent them multiple “Pending” Snapchats, it’s likely that not all will be saved and sent if/when they refriend you.

What Does Pending On Snapchat Mean?
Let’s say you have added someone on Snapchat, and the Snapchat Pending notification appears after a while. You have noticed that you can’t send snaps to that person or use any other Snapchat feature to contact them. This might be because the person that you are trying to message has blocked you.
If you’ve been blocked you can’t see the other user’s profile anymore. You’re no longer their Snapchat friend you can’t see their Snap Score when you visit their profile. If you have snaps stuck in “pending” status, check their profile to investigate whether the problem is on their end.
A Snapchat will stay pending until the conditions that caused it to get stuck are resolved. For example, if your message is pending because you don’t have a connection. Then the message will be sent as soon as you are connected to the internet. If it’s pending because the recipient has blocked you, then it will send when they unblock you, and so on.
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How To Tell If Someone Has Blocked You
If someone you were friends with no longer shows up there. That’s a good sign that you may have been blocked – but it isn’t confirmation. You’ll have to do a bit more digging to officially confirm your suspicion. Tap the search icon (the magnifying glass) at the top of the screen and search for their name or username. If they blocked you, they won’t show up here. However, it isn’t confirmation in itself.
Not seeing their profile within the search function could also be the result of them deleting their account. To make sure that the cause of being unable to locate their account is a block. You can ask a friend to search for their name or username and confirm that they still have a Snapchat account. Of course, keep in mind that if your friend has also been blocked by that same user, they won’t see the account show up either.
Snapchat does automatically delete unopened Snaps thirty days after they’re sent, however, it’s unclear if this rule applies to Snapchat that are pending. Hopefully, the circumstances that are keeping your Snapchat in pending don’t last longer than thirty days. At the very least, though, your message shouldn’t be deleted within the first thirty days as long as it is delivered and viewed before then. I hope the above article has been fruitful for you.