If you are snooping to know how you can get Aloy In Genshin Impact On Ps4 or on mobile and PC, you have landed on the most relevant site. Keep scrolling to know how you can get Aloy on Ps4.
Well, there is good news for Ps4 players; they can now lay their hands over Aloy in Genshin Impact in update 2.1 but the mobile and PC users will have to wait for update 2.2.
The current update has proved to be the game’s greatest version as it begins with Baal and Kujou Sara until Kokomi reaches. Besides these three playable heroes, the version is also going to celebrate its first anniversary.
Since its release last year, the biggest game addition was the arrival of Horizon Zero Dawn‘s PlayStation mascot.
Aloy In Genshin Impact On Ps4

Well, to lay your hands over Aloy for free, you will need to have an Adventure Rank of at least 20. If you are a Ps4 player with Adventure Rank equaling to or higher than 20, you can easily redeem her.
You will have to log into the game and redeem Aloy via mail. Following this exact method, you can also grab her exclusive Predator Bow.
Though she is a free warrior, you can only redeem her until November 24th. If you will not be able to get her before 2.3, you can only add her to your anime heroes’ library. For your further information, Aloy is a 5 stars heroine and her Predator bow is only 4 stars.
Genshin Impact announced Aloy’s arrival on 22nd July 2021, via a Tweet that read, “Everything I do is in the service of life, not death. That’s why I’m here with you.
Savior From Another World
Nora Huntress
Nora Fortis
Travelers, let’s welcome Aloy — “Savior From Another World!”
Also read, The Genshin Impact Photo Event Guide
How To Get Aloy In Genshin Impact On Mobile

In update 2.1, mobile and PC players will not be able to get Aloy. They can only access the heroin during update 2.2.
As the update will be live, you can get her at the same adventure rank. You will be able to access her using the in-game main menu. Although you will be able to get her garments and wear her fiery locks, you won’t be able to have her PlayStation exclusive Bow.
Although the PC and mobile players will be able to get her later than the PlayStation players, she will still be disappeared on November 24th if left unclaimed.
Now you must be curious to know about the release date of update 2.2? As confirmed by miHoYo the update 2.2 will be released on 13th October. On the same date, the Horizon Zero Dawn crossover will also end for the 2.1 on PlayStation.
Even though we don’t know much about the future updates, but Tohma is believed to be a playable character in update 2.2. He was first spotted in 2.0. Furthermore, his affiliation with Ayaka has also excited the fans.
The release date and time for Aloy are 20:00 PT and 23:00 ET on August 31st, as well as 04:00 BST on September 1st. She will be available for the Ps4 players right after update 2.1 begins but PC and Mobile Travelers will have to wait until the next update scheduled on 13th October 2021.
Last Words
With some exceptional skills and abilities, you are going to have an amazing experience with the new warrior Aloy in Genshin Impact. Hopefully, you have got the idea of how To Get Aloy In Genshin Impact On Ps4, Mobile, and PC. You can drop a comment below for any further information.