If you are wondering to know how to get the Galarian Zapdos, Moltres, And Articuno in Pokemon Go, you have landed on the right website. This article aims at providing you with all the information about what the weaknesses and resistances of Galarian Zapdos, Moltres, And Articuno in Pokemon Go are and how to get them in the game field.
Gone are days when Niantic used to announce the arrival of legendary Pokemons in the game field beforehand. The game developers have now shifted their attention to surprise the players by bombarding them with sudden additions.
Just yesterday, Pokemon Go players were surprised to encounter the regional forms of the Kanto Legendary Bird Pokemon. If you are an avid player, you must also have encountered regional forms of the Kanto Legendary Bird Pokemon in the game field. But do you have any idea about how to get Galarian Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno In Pokemon Go? If not, there is nothing to worry about. Here we have gathered all the details you require to know about the new Pokemon additions and ways you can get them in the game field.
Get Galarian Zapdos Moltres And Articuno In Pokemon Go

In an announcement made by Niantic on July 25th, the game developers have revealed that a new type of Incense will be heading towards Pokemon Go. They have named this Incense “Daily Adventure Incense”, which will be providing the game players with one Incense each day for 15 minutes to “encounter Pokémon not frequently seen in the wild.”
This is the time or the daily Incense that will enable you to find and catch Galarian Zapdos, Galarian Moltres, and Galarian Articuno in Pokemon GO.
You will get the Incense after completing your daily research task and activating them. Furthermore, the players must know the fact that this Incense will only spawn Pokemon while you are moving. While doing so, you will get the chance to encounter one of the three Galarian forms of Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres.
Nonetheless, we still are waiting for Niantic to confirm if these Pokemon are in the game. But, from the information available on social media, we have ascertained that the Pokemon is already in the game and you can use them with the new blue Incense item.
Backing this news, Serebii.Net has written on Twitter, “Serebii Note: There are reports of Galarian Zapdos appearing in the Daily Adventure Incense in Pokémon GO. We’re currently investigating further”.
We will update this information once Niantic confirms the things provided above.
Pokemon Go Galarian Zapdos Moltres And Articuno Weaknesses And Resistance

If you are wondering to know the weaknesses and resistances of Galarian Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno, we have got you covered. Below is the detail about Galarian Zapdos, Moltres, And Articuno Weaknesses and Resistances:
Galarian Moltres has a few resistances including, resisting attacks from Grass, Ghost, Dark, Psychic and Ground-type moves. Some of its weaknesses revealed so far are, it takes extra damage from Electric, Fairy, Ice, and Rock-type attacks.
Galarian Zapdos, on the other hand, has five different resistances which include, Grass, Fighting, Dark, Ground, and Bug. The latter two resistances are said to be 4x resisted. Further, it is weak to Electric, Fairy, Flying, Ice, and Psychic-type moves.
The last Pokemon Galarian Articuno is said to be the best among the three newly rolled forms.
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The Last Words
This was all about How To Get Galarian Zapdos, Moltres, And Articuno In Pokemon Go, their weaknesses and resistances. Hopefully, the information provided here was helpful.