On social media, lots of people post their opinions regarding anything. Some people post in favor of that and some criticize. This is the story of a teen girl typically known as ‘Math Girl’ got mocked for questioning the origin of math on social media.
Have you ever thought, why does math even exist? How even people came up with math initially? About this, if all you have never thought, then you are lying or maybe you are not interested. But Gracie Cunningham who is a teenage girl is interested to know.
Why Math Girl Got Mocked for Questioning the Origin of Math?

Gracie Cunningham went viral when she posted a video on TikTok where she questioned the origin of math. She also added why someone should even develop and memorize equations as told us to do in school.
Some people on social media criticized her, calling it the ‘dumbest video’ they had ever seen. They bashed Gracie for being not able to recognize all the math applications that existed before. The critics being mean to her who is just a teenager questioning something.
In the video, the young girl talks about how she is doubtful about math being real and maybe she is correct. Math is totally manmade to describe the world`s activities and things around us. We could have an alternative to math, but we don’t know.
She had asked some interesting questions. What made mathematicians and philosophers like Pythagoras decide we even needed a system like mathematics. And what made them choose to describe things the way they did? According to her algebra is not that practical as like addition and subtraction. Garcie is in confusion regarding from where all this started.
All questions of Gracie Cunningham seem to be legitimate. But still, some people reposted her video quoting the dumbest video they had ever seen. They had failed to understand the scenario of her struggling to memorize unreal stuff. The critics don`t understanding what the girl is going through.
People who Appreciated her Thinking

Some of the social media users come up with appreciation posts for Gracie, for her way of thinking. One person wrote “when I say support women, I mean her” referring to Math Girl. There was another Tweet saying “I took one look and my 45 years old Philosophy/English studies brain went woooah good questions, legit good questions.”
A math professor Jorden Ellenberg also praised Gracie`s thinking. He wrote, “I am pissed people mocking this kid, she asked great questions whose answers aren’t obvious, and which math classes should address.” Another person wrote, “wonderful brilliant question from a wonderful brilliant young woman. Stay curious.”

Later, Gracie posted another video in which she clarified her questions and added some new. She also said why many people are so mean to me on social media even some math-related persons are appreciating my view.
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People should applaud her way of thinking because she is so young. It is rare that young children come up with such valuable questions. Every school and college should emphasize critical thinking and encourage children to think out of boundaries. This way childern will come up with many interesting questions which are source of confusion for them.