A new spider specie is being discovered and netizens are wondering to know whether or not are the Trapdoor Spiders dangerous. If you are looking to know more about the latest spider specie, we have got you covered. Here is everything you need to know about the trending spiders specie ‘Trapdoor’.
We are getting to hear about a lot of alien things on the internet these days. Some people are talking about the flying brooms that they saw in the air, while others are talking about the sea mermaids they saw on the seashore. People are also claiming to have witnessed zombies on the streets, while some are claiming to travel into the future.
Nonetheless, not all the claims are legit and users mostly come up with fake information to get attention on the internet.
The latest news about the discovery of a new spider specie is however legit. Unlike the Amazon snake cat, Trapdoor Spiders actually exist and they are just being discovered. As the Spiders are recently being discovered, they are trending on the internet and researchers believe that this specie is likely to become endangered.
As per the initial reports, this new specie lives in the wild and is found in very few rural towns. Currently, netizens are looking to know if Trapdoor Spiders are poisonous and dangerous or not. Here is all the available information about this new specie.
Are Trapdoor Spiders Poisonous?

According to the available information, Trapdoor Spiders are not poisonous or dangerous at all. But, some species of them have a painful bite. The bite can sometimes cause medical complications but they are not venomous at all.
This new specie is being discovered in Australia. Also, it is believed to be in need of protection as they are on the verge of extinction.
This newly found spider specie is called Euoplos dignita and is among the specimen preserved in Queensland Museum’s collection.
The name for this spider specie is “Latin for dignity or greatness, in reference to the really spectacular nature of this spider.”
As per the available information, it was first discovered in the early 20th century. Reports claim that female trapdoor spiders are usually bigger in size as compared to male spiders. They can grow up to two inches in length and they can have a life expectancy of up to 20 years.
These spiders are often found in the black soils of the Brigalow Belt in Central Queensland. They are also more active at night and you can find them in the rural towns of Eidsvold and Monto.
Scientists have further reported that spiders possess venom to subdue their targets but the venom is not dangerous to humans at all.
Where Are Trapdoor Spiders Found?

Users on several social media platforms are talking about these spiders. And those who don’t have much information about them are scared of the spiders.
Here is how Twitter users have discovered this new Spider Specie:
One user wrote, “I would put in my contract rider that all events in Australia are to be kept giant trapdoor spider free, and to include hotels and any vehicles transporting me!”
Another added, “Australia has discovered a new giant trapdoor spider. Hello! yes, I hate it here. Get me out”.
“I looked at a pic of the new trapdoor spider on Facebook for 5 secs & now they wanna suggest spider posts to me. I also have arachnophobia, hello, now I have the creepy crawlies”, said one.
“New variety of Trapdoor spider. I’m rethinking moving back to Australia now. Stuff of nightmares” another user wrote.
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The Bottom Line
This was all the available information about whether or not are the Trapdoor Spiders dangerous. Hopefully, you have found all the details you were looking for.