Every day on TikTok you will see something new. Daily millions of people post millions of videos on TikTok. And some of them get in the notice of everyone and become viral. This article is based on a new trend which is known as “Dog Face TikTok”.
TikTok is one of the best short video-sharing social media applications. Currently, it has more than 800 million active users all over the world. you will mostly find entertaining content on TikTok as well as you can also share a video of size 15 seconds to one minute.
Now we will discuss in detail the dog face challenge which is circulating all over on TikTok these days.
What is Dog Face TikTok?
Well, to become famous on TikTok you have to come up with unique content. Unique content is loved by everyone on TikTok and your unique content spread like aroma over social media in no time. Your followers increase to millions just in few days and you turn into a social media sensation due to your creativity.

Similarly, it is a story of a user @doggface208 whose creative video reached new heights as the user uploaded the video.
In the videos, he is drinking a cranberry juice, while carelessly riding on his skateboard while singing Fleetwood Mac. His stance is loved by everyone not only on TikTok but also on Instagram and Twitter.
As the video has achieved milestones on TikTok, people are joining in to partake in the dog face challenge. Even some are doing Dog face ocean spray to make their video go high. To such stressful video in this global pandemic time has given it more illustrious.
This gives people hope that whatever the circumstances are people find ways to entertain themselves. His carefree skateboarding is while sipping his juice and a song on his lips and won the hearts of millions.
After he uploaded the video, his fan following started to increase rapidly and now he has more than 1.6 million followers and he is following just 1465 on Instagram.
Reaction on Twitter
Social media users on every platform had praised the guy for his soulful video which has made him social media star in a short time.
Twitter is a unique platform where people share their opinions regarding anything. The users have also mentioned about the video of @doggface208.
“I was not having a particularly good day today. But after seeing this video I feel 100% better” twitted by one.

another user twitted, “I want to be Doggface208 when I grow up”.
Well, millions of people millions of videos every day on different social media platforms. But some of them come in notice of the social media users.
Social media users always love to watch and share unique content. You have to make unique content and share it on your account and boom you got viral in no time.
Several people struggle hard and post many videos to get more likes and views. But some touches the new heights with only one special video. And they get millions of views and likes on that video as well as millions of followers.
Also read about Cemre Solmaz TikTok
Social media has all power to make anyone a hero from zero. Yes, social media users go crazy over unique content. if someone posted a unique video it spreads like an ocean on different social media applications.
This time it is a video by @doggface208 which had got the attention of many on different social media applications. If you are having a bad day, his video is for a sure pill for your stress.