You might have seen a lot of stories related to Filter PS5 Instagram lately. The stories/Posts contain an image of Play Station 5. And now you speculating, how come everyone in your friend list has owned the PS5, even earlier than its launch? Further, you might be unable to find it on the official page of Sony as well? Take a deep breath! Because you are not late. You are just being trolled.
Many of the Instagram users have fooled their friends by posting pictures holding PS5 in their hands. Considering these posts, the gamers have suddenly rushed to the official page of Sony, to check if it is a spot on or not. Some of them have taken the news to social media to be acquainted with the reality behind these Instagram posts.
To address all your queries, after probing we have come to the Conclusion that, it’s just a filter known as Filter PS5 Instagram that creates a fake PS5 box. The filter is created using an AR (Augmented Reality) interface. The appearance of PS5 box created by the filter is so real that most of the users are being trapped into believing.
What Is Filter PS5 Instagram

Filter PS5 Instagram is just a marketing tactic used by Sony to ramp up the market for their upcoming Play Station. The Play Station 5 is all set to be released on 12th of November this year.
Featured by Sony Malaysia, the Filter PS5 Instagram is created by an Instagram user “ARoneverythig”. In an official post on its Facebook page, Sony Malaysia credited AR on Everything for creating this amazing Instagram filter. Later the entire post was removed from the page.
The filter creator has recently talked about the rising popularity of Filter on Instagram. He further inquired if everyone is having good time using this new Filter. He also has requested the users to use the filter responsibly and ethically.
On other social media platforms, users have considered the Filter PS5 Instagram as a genius marketing stunt of Sony Malaysia. Before Play Station 5’s launch, the company has distributed the console among various outlets to upload unboxing videos for the system to spread information regarding the upcoming product.
Besides the unboxing videos the company has also revealed the Console’s interface and compatibility details on its official websites.
PS5 Box Instagram

If you want to troll your friend list holding the brand new Play Station 5 in your hand then below is the procedure you have to follow.
Firstly, open the search Bar on your Instagram
Search “Aroneverthing”, tap on the profile being generated at the top
Follow Aroneverything and open the highlight containing a set of Filters
Search for the required filter, then click on the PS5 filter appearing at the corner of the story.
Save the effect to your camera
Now you can generate a PS5 box in your hand whenever you want to. And being honest it’s the easiest way to own the upcoming next generation console.
Using the Filter PS5 Instagram, this is how you can flaunt your virtual PS5 on your news feed. You can share the Filter PS5 Instagram with your Instagram friends as well.
You may also want to know How To Use Line Filters On Instagram ?
The Filter PS5 Instagram is a new way to stay ahead in your gaming world. Few taps and surprise your friends with this brand new PlayStation 5 console and DualSense controller. All you have to do is to get the filter and apply it where ever you want to. This is the only way to treat yourself with the virtual Play station 5 even before its launch.