The Pokemon Go’s 10 season is right here and it brings some exciting events. Among these events is the Rowlet Spotlight hour and players are wondering to know if it Rowlet is shiny in this Pokemon Go event or not. If you are among the players who are eyeing making the best out of this Spotlight hour, we have got you covered. Here is everything you need to know.
The current month has remained an exciting one for the Pokemon Go players as it featured the Festival of Colors event. Some of the other factors that made the current month exciting were the brand new Elite Raid featuring Regidrago and Team GO Rocket takeover. In addition, the Raid Hours, Spotlight hours and the community days added to the excitement of the players.
The previous Spotlight hours featured Pokemon such as Slakoth, Jigglypuff and Woobat while the ones appearing in this month’s spotlight hours have a more Alolan flavor.
Let’s get back to our topic and check whether Rowlet is Shiny in the upcoming Spotlight hour or not and the available bonuses and rewards.
Is Rowlet Shiny In Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour?

Pretty similar to all the previous spotlight hours the Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour for this week will also place on Tuesday, March 14. The event will be available for the players between 6 pm and 7 pm as per their local time zones.
The bonus that you will get to earn will be exceptional. The players will get the opportunity to earn double exp for every Pokemon they catch during the Spotlight event.
The event offers players a great opportunity to earn tons of exp and level up. When combined with a Lucky Egg, the players will be able to earn 4x the usual exp they get for catching a Pokemon during an hour window.
In the majority of times Pokemon that get featured in Pokemon Go Spotlight hours are shiny. All the Pokemon that got featured in the previous Spotlight hours in this month were shiny. However, they were a bit difficult to be caught as their appearance was low.
Following all the previous Spotlight Hours, players are expecting this week’s featured Pokemon to be shiny. However, there is no confirmed information about whether Rowlet is going to be shiny or not
Is Rowlet Shiny In Pokemon Go March 2023 Spotlight Hour?

Players are quite excited about the approaching Spotlight hour in Pokemon Go as it is awesome to have access to a Pokemon like Rowlet as a featured Pokemon. However, there is no good news for the players at all.
Yes, you heard it right! Until and unless Niantic plans to change things, Rowlet is not going to be shiny in the March 2023 Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour. Though this is very rare for the Spotlight hour featured Pokemon to not be shiny but for this week, this is how it is.
After January 24th’s Tynamo Spotlight Hour this is the first time a Spotlight hour is not featuring a Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Though this is not a good news for players at all but they must not be disappointed as they had enough fun during the previous events.
We hope that the next Spotlight hour will bring some exciting rewards and bonuses for the players. And we also expect that the players will be able to lay their hands over a shiny Pokemon in the next Spotlight hour.
You may also want to read about Pokemon Go Festival Of Colors Challenge List
The Bottom Line
This was all you needed to know about whether Rowlet is going to be Shiny in the upcoming Pokemon Go spotlight event or not. Hopefully, you have found all the information you were looking for.