The Festival Of Colors challenge is back in Pokemon Go and players can now catch a brand new Pokemon. The event has bought several exciting challenges and tasks for the players, so, the current month is going to be an exciting one. If you are among the players who want to know the complete details about the Pokemon Go Festival Of Colors Challenge list, we have got you covered. Here is everything you need to know about the current viral Pokemon Go event, the Festival of colors.
The Pokemon Go Festival Of Colors Challenge is going to be so exciting. The event has bought Bruxish, a peculiar little pink fish. One thing that you must know about this little pink fish is that it doesn’t evolve into any other Pokemon. Along with the festival of colors event, the players will also be able to find a challenge list.
Inside this challenge list, you will find a list of Pokemon that you will be able to catch through the wild. In addition to this, you will also be able to catch Pokemon by Raiding or evolving a certain Pokemon. There also are some Field Research requests for the players to complete and honestly, these are going to be so beneficial for the players.
This event is available for the players to complete by March 14, 2023. During the event, there is the Pokemon spawn will be higher and it will make it easier for the players to catch all of the challenge Pokemon.
Below is all the available detail about the event.
Festival Of Colors Challenge List

Below is the list of Pokemon that the players can catch to get rewards. You will be able to find the majority of these Pokemon in wild but some of them also are available in one-star Raids if you want to do that. Below is the list of Pokemon:
- Koffing
- Stunky
- Natu
- Wobuffet
- Shuckle
- Paras
- Bruxish
- Krabby
- Sand Burmy
- Trash Burmy
- Plant Burmy
- Mothim
Players who will be able to complete this challenge will get a reward of 20,000 XP and a Lure Module. The Pokemon Go players are so excited to be part of this event and they have taken to several social media platforms to talk about it. How excited are you to be part of this event? Share your opinion about the event in the comment box provided at the end of this article.
Festival Of Colors Research Tasks And Rewards

Alongside catching the Pokemon, the players will also be required to complete some field research tasks that will help them earn some exciting rewards.
Below is the detail of research tasks and rewards that players can earn after completing these research tasks:
- Catch 15 Pokemon – Alolan Grimer Encounter
- Catch 5 different species of Pokemon – Castform Encounter
- Catch 8 different species of Pokemon – Burmy Encounter
- Catch 10 different species of Pokemon – Oricorio Encounter
One thing that is important to remember for the players is that, the Pokemon Go Festival of colors is available till March 14, 2023, at 8 PM local time. So, you are left with a few more days to garner some incredible rewards.
Make sure to lay your hands over all the Pokemon from the Festival of Colors and get tons of XP in return.
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The Bottom Line
This was all the available information about the current viral Festival of Colors event from Pokemon Go and the complete challenge list. Hopefully, you have found all the available information about this amazing Pokemon Go event.