If you are an avid TikTok user you must have seen the term KMT in captions and comments, but do you know its meaning on TikTok? If not, fortunately, you have got us. Below we have explained in detail the term KMT, its full form, meaning, and ways you can use it on TikTok. Keep reading to know all the available details about the viral KMT term from TikTok.
The ByteDance-owned video-sharing app is the go-to place to find some of the weirdest terms from across the globe. From eerie words to, alien acronyms, slang terms, and challenges, we get to hear about plenty of new terms with each scroll.
As you scroll down on TikTok, you get to see a variety of terms that you might not have heard of in your entire life. You try to get their meaning but you fail as they give no clue. Especially when you are a new user of TikTok, you will get to see plenty of slang terms that will surely get you mad. Encountering these slang terms will make you realize that you have grown old or are out of touch. After spending years on TikTok, we have realized that every generation has its own collection of slang terms. And, the terms that are currently going viral on TikTok belong to Gen Z.
The latest term that is making rounds on TikTok right now is KMT and users are wondering to know its meaning. To help you all get the meaning of this slang term, below we have gathered all the details. Keep reading to get all the details you need to know about TikTok slang KMT.
What Is The Meaning Of KMT On TikTok?

The term KMT stands for Kiss My Teeth. You must have seen this acronym in comments, captions, and in viral Tweets as well.
Though some of the content creators have posted the full form of KMT (kiss my teeth) but the followers have still failed to understand its meaning.
Let us tell you when exactly you can use KMT on TikTok. Well, you can say Kiss My Teeth, KMT when you disapprove of someone or you want to say that you dislike something. It actually describes a gesture of disapproval where you put your tongue over your front teeth and make a little kissing noise while giving them a dirty look.
KMT TikTok Meaning

To help you save a Google search, below we have provided all the available definitions and meanings of KMT from Urban Dictionary:
As per one Urban Dictionary explanation, ‘kissing my teeth
used by Africans to in place of the twwwww/tweeee/mtchew sound
Who told you to eat the fufu!!? didn’t you know it was mine ehh?! kmt your head like goat
Mother: How many times do you want me to tell you to dilute the dishwashing soap!? eh do you think money grows on trees? if you dont come here and do it now now i will slap you so hard you will forget your name! twwww (kmt) useless girl.’
Another definition says, ‘An acronym of Kiss My Teeth. Basically, when you disapprove of someone, or you want to show your dislike of them, you sort of put your tongue over your front teeth and make a little kissing noise (whilst giving them a dirty look). So writing KMT is telling the person that you don’t like them.
Girl 1- Your such a slut! KMT.
Girl 2 – Shutup you bitch!’
While a third definition explains it as, ‘KMT means Kiss my teeth which has its origins in Africa and the Caribbean. It usually means ‘whatever’. To some elders it’s extremley offensive and should not be done especially in countries such as Jamaica.
Did you just say Arsenal was the best team in London? KMT’.
You can also check the below explanation of KMT from another user:
‘Kmt is an abbreivation that originates from Jamaican slang and also stands for ‘kiss my teeth’, which is an act. Popularly used on platforms such as Snapchat, as a way of describing annoyance towards an action or someone’s behaviour.
‘Sometimes people really stand there, while I do all the work kmt’
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The Bottom Line
This was everything you needed to know about the meaning of KMT on TikTok. Hopefully, you have got its meaning.