Why Was Twitter Logo Changed To Doge Dog? All You Need To Know

Twitter users were left confused after the Bird App changed the logo of Twitter to that of the Doge Dog logo, but why was it so? Why Twitter logo was changed to Doge Dog on the bird app? Confused users have taken to several social media platforms to talk about it. Below we have gathered all the details about why the Twitter logo was changed to doge dog.

Ever since Elon Musk has taken over Twitter, the bird app is making headlines online. Initially, the Tesla owner fired several employees and later he made several changes to the platform. It seems like the Tesla owner is on a mission to transform the entire Twitter platform.

Though Twitter users accepted all the changes with open hearts, they are left confused to see the Doge Dog logo appear on the platform instead of the Twitter logo. Users did not expect this on Twitter.

The change in the Twitter logo was first reported on April 3. Many users noticed that the logo was entirely changed thus they took it to the platform to inquire about the reason behind it. As the entire Twitter community is confused, they are waiting for Elon Musk to address their confusion.

If you are one such user who is looking to know why the Twitter logo was changed to Doge Dog, we have gathered all the information for you.  

Twitter Logo Changed To Doge Dog

Image Of Twitter Logo Changed To Doge Dog

Twitter users experienced a strange thing on Twitter on the 3rd of April 2023. To their surprise, the Twitter logo located on the left side of their handles had changed to that of the popular dogecoin dog. Earlier, Blue Bird, which is the Twitter logo, used to appear on the screen.

The change was noticed by people from across the globe and they expressed their thoughts about it. If you were unable to spot this difference, it was because you might have not refreshed your feed or you might not have taken out time to notice the change.

As soon as people saw the logo, they took it to Twitter to express their thoughts about it. One person wrote, “The Twitter logo is now a doge. This must be part of a horror story that social media managers whisper around the campfire and at slumber parties.”

Another added, “Elon really changed the Twitter logo to a doge.” “I believe most of people won’t like the doge logo, including me. Twitter and Doge is a different thing. I never like Doge. That logo even looks silly”.

“Personally, I would have played on the whole “Twitter is now dead” feeling amongst some power users and used the ‘ded twitter’ logo for some irony. But the doge dog? It’s not 2013, man”, exclaimed one.

Why Was Twitter Logo Changed?

Image Of Why Was Twitter Logo Changed

Twitter users were not happy with the change and they expressed their annoyance about it. Some people have even reached out to the Twitter owner for an answer.

Though Elon Musk has not responded to the change yet, it was a result of one of his conversations. On March 26th, the Tesla owner shared an exchange that he had with the WSB Chairman.

In a conversation, the user asked Elon Musk to buy Twitter and change the logo to doge. It seems as if Elon Musk liked this idea so he decided to surprise Twitter users.

Relating to this conversation Elon Musk shared an old Tweet which read, “As promised and it did not take long for him to share memes related to the same.

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The Bottom Line

This was all the available information about why the Twitter logo was changed to Doge Dog. Hopefully, you have found all the information you were looking for.

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