TikTok is one of the best platforms for entertainment content. Millions of users daily share different entertaining videos on TikTok. Many people comment in favor of the video shared by someone and some criticize it for a basic reason. This article is based on “Willy Wonka TikTok Cancelled”.
Although TikTok is a short video sharing social media application. On which you can post a video of size 15 seconds to one minute.
Willy Wonka a fictional character by Duke Depp on TikTok posted a video some days ago, and many TikTok users criticizing him for that video. Well, the question here is what is the issue and why is Willy Wonka TikTok Cancelled? So, here we will discuss in detail about this issue on TikTok.
Why is Willy Wonka TikTok Cancelled?
For the people who don’t know Duke Depp aka Willy Wonka, he is a TikTok star with more than 14.3 million followers famous for his fictional character. Also, he has more 313 million likes on his videos which quite a huge number. These days, he is trouble for sharing a video on TikTok.

Some of Willy Wonka’s fans calling him a “racist” and some are calling for his cancellation after she posted a video on TikTok.
On his account, Depp regularly shares funny videos in which he dresses up as a character dancing or doing other goofy activities. However, his latest video has made some of his fans bothered and they are calling for is a cancellation.
What Video got Willy Wonka Cancelled?
A few days back fan of Wonka asked “Can Mr. Wonka Speaks Spanish?” To answer him Depp posted a video on 1 October saying “Hola, soy Willy Wonka ..huh, see?” with the song Un Poco Loco in the background as he dips a nacho in some salsa and eats it.”
The video was captioned, “Can’t speak Spanish yet, but I want to learn.”
After posting his video, many of his followers presumed his way of speaking as a stereotype commonly used to portray Spanish speaking people. So that is why they are calling him a racist and calling for his cancellation.
Willy Wonka Apologized for his Offensive Video

After criticism of his video, Willy Wonka has come up with an apology post on his other social media accounts. On his Instagram account, he said, “Hey guys I just want to come on here and apologize for a TikTok video that I made a few days ago that was ‘Willy Wonka speaking Spanish’.”
He also added “The video was uncalled for and I’m so sorry to anyone that I offended or anyone that I stereotyped inside of that video. That was not for the intention of the video and I’m truly so sorry.”
Willy Wonka has more than seven hundred sixty-four thousand followers on his Instagram account. And he has also an active account on Twitter where he has almost 73 thousand followers.
Willy Wonka has also twitted an apology for his video, he twitted, “I’m so sorry about my ‘Spanish speaking video’ on TikTok. Looking back at the video now I understand why the video was wrong. To anyone who I hurt with the video I apologize, and I promise to be better.”

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TikTok is famous for its entertainment-related content. And it has more than 800 million active users all over the world. People post millions of videos daily. And there are thousands of TikTok stars who have followers in millions. The TikTok celebrities must be careful about their content before posting it. Because it can be offensive for some of their followers and it can hurt their intentions.