Have you seen so many Instagram posts with a tag line Chef Filter? Probing to know how this filter can be accessed? If yes then you are on the most relevant space. Keep reading and get to know about chef filter on Snapchat and Instagram.
Social media platforms are in a race to offer variety of filters for its users. Snapchat was the first application that became massively popular for its filter’s feature. Following this all other social media platforms came forward to grab the attention of social media users. After Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok are also offering thousands of filters for their users.
After considering the popularity of filters, many social media platforms have allowed the AR (Augmented reality) filter creator’s to create and publish filters for the users. Social media users have now plenty of filter options to choose from.
What Is Chef Filter
Chef filter is available for both the Snapchat and Instagram users. Once applied, the filter will give you a chef’s look. It adds a white chef’s hat on your head, adds some mustache and changes your entire appearance. You can even have your name on the chef’s hat.
To get a chef like look all you have to do is open the camera, select the filter and face the camera. Here you go, you will see yourself wearing chef clothes, hat and your name over it. It will also add a bit of blush to your cheeks. You will also notice a bit different nose. Well, if you have ever wished to see yourself in a chef’s attire, then this is the time to get your wish fulfilled.
How To Get Chef Filter On Instagram

To get the filter on Instagram, you have to follow the AR filter creator’s profile. If you are searching for the filter among your filter’s list, then we would suggest you not to waste your energy anymore. The filter isn’t available in the filter’s gallery of Instagram.
To get the filter, firstly open your Instagram account and then head towards the search bar. Type “Naza.carrero” in the search tab and hit enter. Wait for the search results and click on the profile that pops up at the top. Naza.carrero is an Augmented Reality filter creator who has come up with plenty of creative filters. Once you get into her account, tap on the follow button so that you can access all her filters.
Now once you reach her account, go through the filters list until you get a filter with Chef’s hat and black mustache. This is the Chef filter available on Instagram. Tap on the option that says “Try It” and click some classy snaps.
How To Get The Chef Filter On Snapchat

To get the chef filter on Snapchat, firstly make sure that you have an updated Snapchat filter. If you don’t have an updated Snapchat App, then you will not be able to access the latest filters and features offered by the Snapchat App.
Open your Snapchat application, tap on the camera button and then click on the smiley face right next to the camera button. Now, open the search bar and type chef filter in it. You will get exposed to a filter with a Chef’s face as filter icon. Open the filter and add it to the list of your favorite filters so that you can access it instantly.
Now open the filter and apply it to your face. You will witness yourself as a chef, wearing white hat and white attire.
Also read about Teleport Filter
Concluding Remarks
This was all about the funny Chef filter from Snapchat and Instagram. hope you have got enough information about the chef filter rolled by two of the most popular social media applications.