Clear Cache On Snapchat — Only Way To Free Up Space

If your phone is running out of storage then we would suggest you to Clear Cache On Snapchat. Like every other application, Snapchat retains the cache files for every feature you use. Here’s how the cache files are stored and how one can clear cache on Snapchat. Keep reading!

Every application installed in your device, builds up cache files as the users use it overtime. These files help the application to run faster. Suppose you have installed an application and upon using any of its features, it keeps a record at back end. When you will access this feature later, the application will use these stored files to complete the command.

Piling up the cache is important for an application, but when your device is running out of space, then this is the data you should remove first. Today, in this article we will discuss about how these redundant files can be removed. Stick with us and keep scrolling!

What Does Clear Cache Mean On Snapchat

Image Of What Does Clear Cache Mean On Snapchat

Clear cache is a simple process every user should follow in order to free up unnecessarily occupied space from their devices. Clearing cache is really important for the Snapchat users because Snapchat retains files of almost every feature of the app you use.

When you use any of the feature, like Memories, Stories, Stickers, Lens, Snapchat builds a database containing all these files on the back end. Suppose you have clicked a snap and added it to your memories, Snapchat will create a back up files that will be used when you access this particular snap on a later time. In a nutshell this feature allows the application to perform the functions really fast.

Also read Snapchat Camera Roll Filter

How To Clear Cache On Snapchat

Image Of How To Clear Cache On Snapchat

Cleaning cache is really important, because Snapchat retains a huge pile of files. It creates cache for even the lenses you accessed and for every single snap and message. It sometimes affects your phone’s performance. So it’s crucial to remove the cache files once in a month. To clear cache from your Snapchat application, you have to follow some simple steps.

Firstly, open your app and tap on the profile icon on the homepage and then head towards the settings icon. Here, scroll through setting till you witness the tab saying Cache. You will find this option under the Account Actions section.

Tap on it and you will witness a pop up notification, saying “All of your caches will be cleared. Your Memories backup won’t be deleted”. Tap on the continue button and wait for the process to complete.

For iOS users, Snapchat asks to delete every cache file separately. Once tapped on the clear cache button, you will be asked to remove files related to browser, memories, stories, lens, Search, Stickers and game. This seems much better than android because you can retain any of files if you want to.

After removing all the redundant files from the app, you will find your phone’s performance to be faster than before. You can clear the cache files from all other applications for much faster experience.

What Happens When You Clear Your Cache On Snapchat

After clearing the cache files, your Snapchat application will continue to work like before, so you don’t need to worry. It doesn’t remove any of your data, including Chats, saved messages, lenses, filters and memories.

Some of users feel insecure to remove the cache because they feel as if they will lose their data as well. All such users should know that removing cache doesn’t remove any of your in-app saved data

Last Words

This was all related to the Clear Cache On Snapchat. Hope you can have got a clear understanding of how Snapchat works before and after removing these redundant files.

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