Over the last few hours, Instagram users are rolling “Nah He Tweakin Meme” over and over again. The meme phrase has bombarded several Instagram posts and the users now are quite annoyed. Here is about the origin and spread of Nah He Tweakin Meme on Instagram.
If you are an avid user of Instagram, you might have witnessed the storm of “Nah He Tweakin” comments. But what does it actually mean and why is it so popular? Well, Nah He Tweakin Meme takes its roots from the day when Tony Hawk released a line of skateboards that contained his blood mixed with the paint. This was revealed by an Instagram user @rap by posting a photo of the line captioning it as “#TonyHawk’s blood is being used in $500 limited-edition skateboards. Y’all Rockin with it?”
The post became viral and Lil Nas X wrote a comment on the post saying “Nah he tweakin.” Earlier, Lil Nas X was slammed for releasing his own satan shoes that contained a drop of his blood. Users found the comment hilarious and it has now spread across the internet.
What Does Nah He Tweakin Mean

Nah He Tweakin Meme is a recent viral meme phrase that is currently popular on several internet platforms. After the meme has gone viral, users are now curious to know its meaning.
According to the Urban Dictionary, the term Tweakin means ‘saying something stupid. Hence in this context, Lil Nas X’s comment means, the skateboards do not contain Tony Hawk’s blood.
As soon as Instagram users spotted the comments, the war of copying the comment began. Everyone started copying the meme in the comment section hence a new meme trend emerged.
After Instagram, the hilarious meme trend has spread over Twitter as well and users are coming up with hilarious memes one after another.
While some users are still confused about the trend, many other users have claimed that this meme is so annoying as it has occupied all their news feeds. An annoyed user wrote on Twitter, Who df started this “Nah he tweakin” “Cry Emoji” ts annoying”.
Another user has rolled an image showcasing annoying expressions along with the caption, “How I feel seeing “Nah he tweakin” for the 158,519,954th time today”.
A user who was so confused to see this annoying yet hilarious trend wrote, “Me on Instagram seeing “Nah he tweakin” 100x times wondering wtf is going on”.
Nah He Tweakin Meme Origin

As described earlier, the current viral meme phrase has started after Lil Nas X wrote a comment on an Instagram post. The post explained how Tony Hawk has released a line of skateboards that contained his blood. To this post, Lil Nas X commented “Nah he tweakin”. His comment meant that the skateboards do not contain any blood.
As the users found this comment on Instagram, they started coming up with their own version of memes. Hence it became a popular meme. After being massively spread on Instagram some users think if their account is being hacked or has a glitch.
Hundreds of users have complained about how annoying it is to see the same phrase all over Instagram. Some users have claimed that they are trying to get some constructive comments but all they are ending on “Nah he tweakin” comments.
Explaining this whole situation the user named @Kangchan wrote on Twitter, me trying to read actual constructive comments on IG. “Nah he/she tweakin” comments”
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Concluding Remarks
It is quite strange to witness how quickly the trend went viral on the internet. But we all know so well that the internet is a strange place and anything can go viral in a blink of an eye. Hope you have got all information about this viral meme trend. Happy Scrolling!