Are you wondering to know what the Fortnite Car Parts Challenge is? And how this challenge can be completed? If yes, then you are reading the most relevant article. Keep reading and learn all important information related to the challenge.
Fortnite is again live with a set of secret challenges. The first challenge among them all is Fortnite Car Parts Challenge. The challenge asks the players to collect the car parts hidden on the map. This challenge sounds so easy but in reality it’s not.
Some players might think that it can be just completed by hacking the cars but no, this is not the way to complete the challenge. Some people have also shared step by step guides to find the secret spaces but none of them are helpful.
The Fortnite challenges are just another way to give its players tons of XP so that they can level up in their Battle passes and finish the seasons on a higher XP. This time for chapter 5 week 2 challenges, we have got you covered with our detailed guide that will specify the secret locations that contain the car parts.
According to some players the car parts are Sci-fi looking objects that can be found in Hunter’s Heaven. But this is not the truth. These weird items will reward you nothing and it will be just waste of energy and time. So, don’t go for it. To all the players who want to find out the car parts really quick, here is the detail. Keep reading and be among the first few to finish this challenge.
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What Is Fortnite Car Parts Challenge?

In its chapter 5 week 2, Fortnite has given a bunch of challenges to its players. Fortnite Car Parts Challenge is among the first of these. Players can find the car parts in the following location:
- Dirty Docks
- Outside the Junkyard.
The car parts can be found in three locations but it’s not as simple as it sounds. It is the toughest “Find Things” challenge known so far. The detail of places from where these parts can be accessed is given in the proceeding paragraphs.
To access two of these items, go to the unnamed Junkyard that is located right outside the Dirty Docks. Once you get the location look for the car part well as it is further hidden in a secret place which is not so easy to find. Head towards the giant orange machine and look for the item by this machine, you will find it here.
The second car part can also be found in the junkyard. It is placed at the corner of the side, right next to the chain link fence. The part located in Dirty docks is placed in an open container. Most of the players waste their time by searching for it in the empty buildings. Finding this third part is quite complicated because it is located in a wide region. The item just looks like a piece of trash so be careful and don’t miss it.
Once you find these three car parts then you will head towards the second stage of challenge. To complete this stage you have to deliver a vehicle from Steamy Stacks to Pleasant Park.
The challenges are getting complicated as the chapters are moving forward.
Concluding Remarks
Completing the Fortnite Challenges will give the players bonus points. It will help the player to earn XP for the next battle passes. Further, they will advance the subplot for the upcoming chapters. This was all about the Fortnite Car Parts Challenge. Hope this piece of writing has given you enough information to find the required items. Good Luck for the challenge!