Sykov Akimbo Challenge – Unlock The Sykov Pistol

As The Sykov Pistol is just being rolled in Modern Warfare, players are looking for ways to complete the Sykov Akimbo Challenge and lay their hands on this brand new weapon. Some players might think that they will easily be equipped with The Sykov Pistol immediately but this is not the case.

In order to unlock the Pistol players have to complete the Sykov Akimbo Challenge. Here’s how to complete the Sykov Akimbo Challenge and unlock the Sykov Pistol in Modern Warfare.

Earlier this year The Sykov Pistol was added to loot crates mistakenly but now it is officially added to the Modern Warfare arsenal of weapons. By default it looks like any other pistol in the game but it has some attachments that makes it an overpowered beast.

According to the players, it has even the ability to take over some of the best warzone guns. Furthermore, it is equipped with 80-round drum magazines, and be dual-wielded to double up firepower which means you can have 160 bullets at high fire rate. Additionally you don’t need reload in between. Let’s take a look at how this challenge can be completed to unlock the beast pistol.

What Is Sykov Akimbo Challenge

Image Of What Is Sykov Akimbo Challenge

To have your hands on Sykov Pistol, players have to get 4 kills using pistols in five different matches. When the weapon was launched, players ran into a trouble, they were unable to level up despite of completing the challenge. But fortunately this error is being resolved so players can now hop in the race to unlock the pistol.

You can complete the task in both Warzone and Modern Warfare but the quickest way would be to deal it in Modern Warfare. The Modern Warfare gives smaller and congested maps additionally you will get ability to respawn multiple times in a game.

In this way if you come to fall at the initial hurdle you will not get stuck to wait to drop back into Verdansk to hunt people down again. You also can use any of the pistols that you have unlocked to get the kills.

Remember that you will need to finish each match with 4 kills using pistols in order to unlock the Sykov Pistol. Players should also make sure not leave the game before the game ends, so that your progress will be counted.

How To Unlock The Sykov Pistol In Call Of Duty

Image Of How To Unlock The Sykov Pistol In Call Of Duty

While playing in Warzone, plunder is the best Warzone mode to unlock weapons. You can also keep respawning over the course of the match. In this casual mode the Warzone Diamatti pistol is still a beast. Especially when you dual-wield it, and it’s much easier to hunt down other players.

The in-game description suggests that players should complete this challenge using the Renetti pistol but this doesn’t help. Most of the players have claimed that it is incorrect because it doesn’t work.

However, while using the Sykov, players have found that their progress was tracking. This claims that the in-game description for unlocking pistol might be incorrect.

Most important point to remember is that you have to stay in the game till the end. Quitting early after securing four eliminations might not help, because the progress will not be saved. It is also best to hop into the Hardcore versions of MW’s maps as everyone spawns with significantly lower HP. So, you won’t be eliminated by assault rifles and snipers.

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Last Words

This was all about Warzone’s new surprise pistol and the ways to unlock it. Hopefully the information provided here will help you unlock this terrifying pistol in quickest way.

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