He Calls me His Queen is a romance genre novel. The infatuation and attractions are not always met with a welcoming arm. A sweet hug that makes you feel the presence of the one you want may not be in your destiny. Those who want to be around someone will make a way through the tortuous paths of destiny.
The adamant know how to get it. The gravity of affections will drag in the most distant star they wish for. In the way, there would be many hurdles for sure, but with the commitment and purity of their feelings, these would just fade away with time.
He Calls Me His Queen

This novel is a love story. A man falls for a girl three years younger than his age. He has met many who wanted to be around him. The money and personality make sure the girls fall for him like the fish for the shark. Dazzled in his charming eyes and glitter of wealth there is no escape for most of them.
This girl he finds of a different breed. The wealth is something she does not show interest in. Though his charming looks will make any girl go tipsy, this girl is stone-cold sober. Over time this aloofness will attract him more towards her. Will she gravity too eventually? If not, he is capable of wielding his power to achieve any end. When she becomes his obsession, what will stop him?
What is He Calls Me His Queen Novel Story
This is the story of an innocent simple girl named Alizabeth Saunders. Brought up in a strict family under the prying eyes of parents and overprotective siblings she has not explored the outside world much. Free from evil and the ‘bad’ activities her family disapproves of.
A guileless child loved by everyone around for her simplicity. Soon the things are going to change due to the company she is about to start spending time with. Her cousin has a boyfriend and a brother and they know only one thing. Chill like adults all the time.
Since the family is not aware of their relative’s activities, their little princess is allowed to go out with her any time. On the night of her sixteenth birthday, she bumps into somebody, who becomes someone nobody to an acquaintance, and gradually more.
In the company of her cousin and other friends, her family can notice changes in her attitude and behavior. This is going to bring more trouble in the future, and she is not aware of it yet.
But she is simple enough to not think deep into the consequences of her acts. Moreover, she trusts people easily, one of the far and few flaws in this female lead character of the novel.
More of He Calls Me His Queen Read Online
The “He” who calls the girl his queen is Maxon Shadrach Bradley. He is the only son of a drug trafficker working undercover and expanding his empire. The family is rich beyond limits and the guy is wicked and knows how to use his power.
This man is a fearless, unkind, spoilt brat. But as soon as he crosses path with this cute and simple black haired girl it sparks a different emotion in him. He must own her by hook or by crook exploring all possible ways. If she does not agree, he knows how to get her.
The phantoms of the worst possible scenarios emerge in Alizabeth’s life. This phantom calls her his Queen and there seems now way-out from the clout of this wicked man.
Will she fall for him? Will he be able to make her his own despite the fact that he is the opposite of combinations she wants her man to be? Would he win her and would she every admire him and say he calls me his queen?
Do you know about another novel named “Her Returned Mate”? Find out about it here.
The novel is a must-read for the people who say, a girl should not be won easily by a man. This is the story of winning a heart that initially has no space for the man of that type. This is the melting of hearts, the molding of perceptions, and the tale of sacrificing egos. Do give a read to He Calls me His Queen PDF or any other source.
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