Netflix is currently the largest digital media streaming platform with thousands of netizens hooked up at once every minute. From an extensive media library to buffer less streaming, and economical pricing; Netflix offers all that an avid streamer could wish for and more. However, there are a lot of Netflix error codes users have to face often. Users have to face bundles of Netflix error codes while using it.
In the following article we will be highlighting common Netflix error codes, their causes and possible solutions to fix them.
Netflix Error Code NW-2-5
This error indicates a network connection issue. Which means your device is unable to reach Netflix service and it is considered a relatively difficult error to fix. Error code NW-2-5 can occur on most of the devices that have a Netflix app, including game consoles, streaming devices like Roku, Blu-Ray Players, and smart televisions.
When Netflix error code NW-2-5 occurs, your device will typically display this message on the screen: Netflix has encountered an error. Retrying in X seconds.
To fix it, first restart your device. If that does not work, try going closer to the source of the Wi-Fi to get a better signal, or use a wired connection instead. If this doesn’t work either, try restarting your router
Netflix Error Code 11800
Netflix error 11800 generally points to a network issue that prevents your device (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) from connecting to Netflix. Information stored on your device may need to be refreshed when this error occurs. The error may appear as “Cannot play title. Please try again later.” or “A problem occurred while playing this item. Try again later, or select a different item.”
Some of the solutions to this error include restarting your device, changing Apple TV DNS to manual, and reinstalling Netflix on your device.

Error Code M7111-1331-5069
this error occurs when you open chrome and get access to Netflix through chrome. it is indicating that you use a link to a page that no longer exists. the solution is to fix is go to Netflix website. try disabling browser extensions to fix the error.
this error occurs when user tries to access Netflix from browser and tries to connect via VPN, or an unblocked service. to fix it you have to disconnect your VPN or proxy and then refresh the page.
Error Code 10013
This error code arises when you are using the Netflix app and are trying to download an episode or movie while connected to a VPN or proxy. You’ll see an error message: “There was a problem with this download. (10013)”. To fix this issue, as with the one above, you must disable your VPN or proxy. Once it is disabled, you’ll be able to download your content as normal.
Click here: How To Fix “Roblox Error Code 901” Issue?
Error Code AVF;11800;OS;42800;
you have come across this error that says “this title can no longer be watched offline”. This is called Netflix error… The file will be corrupted or deleted. If you have an internet connection, then go to the download section. Tap edit option. Select the file that does not work and tap the red X icon to delete it. Now re-download the episode
Error Code U1-800-3
Netflix error code UI-800-3 usually indicates that there’s a problem with the device’s Netflix app. For example, the cached data stored by the app could be corrupted. These problems can usually be solved by refreshing the information stored on your device. You can fix it by restarting your device. If this does not work, you can try signing out of Netflix on your device and then signing back in.
Error Code 10023-10008
The Netflix Error Code 10023-10008 shows the error message, “There was a problem with this download. Please check your network connection and try again. (10023-10008)”. To fix this error, you should try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network. Alternatively, this issue can sometimes be caused by having the incorrect time displayed on your device. Check your device’s date and time settings and make sure they are correct.
Error Code 30103
“Cannot play title. Please try again later.” If your screen displays this message it means that you have Netflix error 30103. It happens when your device is out of date. To fix this issue firstly update your device. Uninstalling and reinstalling will also fix the issue. This error can also sometimes be fixed by restarting your device
How To Fix Netflix Unexpected Error Code?
Sometimes Netflix says that there is an unexpected error please reload the page and try again. To fix this issue first of all you need to clear your browser history. Refresh the page, try again or restart your computer.
If Netflix isn’t working, you may be experiencing a network connectivity issue, an issue with your device, or an issue with your Netflix app or account. So far we have highlighted ten Netflix errors. I hope the solutions will help you out if you face any issue listed above. Stay connected to know about more issues and their solutions.