What Do Cows Drink Riddle Answer – Explained

The latest riddle to confuse the users is ‘What Do Cows Drink Riddle’ and Netizens are wondering to find its meaning. If you are among these users who are looking to know the answer to the What Do Cows Drink Riddle we have got you covered. Here is everything you need to know to answer this riddle correctly.

As the number of social media users is increasing, content creators are coming up with new ways to entertain their social media followers. Some social media users are sharing different puzzle games and riddles to spend their time well on social sites while others are simply relying on viral dance challenges and videos.

In addition to the viral dance challenges and trends, TikTok is also famous for its puzzle games and riddles. Not only on TikTok but, these riddles and puzzles are quite popular on other social media platforms as well and they keep flaunting across social media platforms. From WhatsApp groups to Facebook groups and Instagram stories, we often get to see these riddles.

The latest riddle to take over social media platforms these days is the ‘What Do Cows Drink Riddle’ and Netizens are unable to find its answer. Though the riddle sounds easy but it actually is not. Social media content creators are creating a tricky scenario before asking the riddle and it leaves the users scratching their heads.

If you are among such users who are finding it difficult to solve the What Do Cows Drink Riddle, we have got you covered. Below we have provided the answer to this riddle.

What Is The Answer To What Do Cows Drink Riddle?

Image Of What Is The Answer To What Do Cows Drink Riddle

The What Do Cows Drink Riddle is pretty easy to solve if the person who is asking doesn’t have the idea to prepare the ground. The key to confusing your friends and family members is preparing the ground.

Before asking the What Do Cows Drink Riddle, you have to make them repeat the word, ‘Silk’. Ask them to say out loud ‘Silk’ five times. The reason behind making your friends say this word is to confuse them and make them think of words that are related to ‘Silk’ such as milk.

Now, once the ground is ready, it is now time for you to ask the question, What Do Cows Drink Riddle. There is 90% chance that their answer would be ‘Milk’, which is, of course, the wrong answer.

What Do Cows Drink Riddle

Image Of What Do Cows Drink Riddle

Now, coming back to the actual answer of the What Do Cows Drink Riddle! And the answer to this question in any case is water. Cows do not drink milk but they do drink water. So, the easy and simple answer to this riddle is, water.

According to the available reports, a cow drinks up to 30 (113 liters) and 50 (190 liters) gallons of water each day. The diet for the majority of cows consists of grain, grass, clover and hay. They also enjoy eating fruits.

 So, the simple answer to the What Do Cows Drink Riddle is milk. Some other riddles that you may want to ask to your friends are listed below:

The 50 Dollars Riddle – here is the answer to this riddle:

‘You borrowed $50 from each of your parents ($100), and you buy the bag for $97 which gives you $3 change.
You then give $1 each back to your parents = $2
What you owe your parents is $50 – $1 each ($49 x 2) = $98.
The dollar that you took is included in the $98. 
So, $98 plus $2 that you gave your parents = $100’.

You may also want to read about I Had 13 Dollars Riddle

The Bottom Line

This was all the available information about the famous what do cows drink riddle. Hopefully, you have found all the details you were looking for.

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