Who is itsnate on tiktok? Moreover, what happened to Itsnate on Tiktok? He is an army official from USA. His real name is Nathan Freihofer.
Despite being a lieutenant, he seems to garner a large following on all of his social media accounts. His content typically involves crude jokes and commentary or weightlifting videos.
What happened to Itsnate on Tiktok?
Recently, he became the center of attention by posting a video on Tiktok for his 3.1 million followers. His video is about a joke. The video turned out to be controversial because of it being an anti-Semitic joke around the Holocaust.
What the joke really says?
In the video, Nathan actually utters that a “Jewish person’s favorite Pokémon character” is Ash, which is the name of the main character in the TV series. The video wasn’t very long.
Nathan concludes by suggesting those who are upset over his joke to get over it. Nathan says in the video that “If you get offended, get the f–k out because it’s a joke”
Although he wasn’t in uniform in the video but other videos on his account show him performing military actions in his uniform. He got swift responses to this video, particularly, from a number of military officers condemning his comments almost immediately.
“This is completely unacceptable,” Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston wrote on Twitter. “On social media or not, racist jokes are racist. Period.”
Following are some of the hashtags related to him.

Consequences — Itsnate suspension and investigation
As a consequence of Itsnate viral video, the army released a number of statements declaring Freihofer’s suspension. He was a field artillery officer at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Moreover, he was a part of the XVIII Airborne Corps.
The XVIII Airborne Corps made a statement that “We are investigating reports of a Soldier assigned to XVIII Airborne Corps allegedly making vile remarks on a social media video.” “The statement made in the video is completely inconsistent with our values. We will review all facts and take appropriate action.”
The language of Nathan is biased – suggests the statements and are completely unacceptable. This is against the values of the army which they instill in their soldiers.
Read here about Removing some Tiktok filters.
Change public perceptions
As this whole controversial matter involves an army personnel. The US army has become obliged to correct and brush up their image. David Lapan, a former Defense Department spokesman, in his interview to Insider talked in detail about this disparaging remarks and joke.
“It is a very obvious example of what the military services try to avoid in social media,” David told Insider. “On the one hand, we encourage service members to use social media, but to do so responsibly and in ways that reflect positively on their service. This video fails.”
Nathan has been in the army for the last few months and that on a junior rank, but even, this does not excuse his behavior.
“Quite simply, in the military, we have high expectations and place a lot of responsibility on people of a very young age,” David explained. “We enlist people in the military at 17 years old. But as part of their training process, again, we inculcate them with the values of the particular service.”
“We teach them what things are appropriate and inappropriate. Because at the end of the day, being in the military means you might have to use deadly force against people,” David continued. “You may face very difficult and life-altering decisions at 17, 18, 19 years old.”
After this, the Tiktok account of Nathan has been removed. His twitter account also seems missing. Now, let’s see if any of the statement comes from Nathan Freihofer himself in this regard. He may apologize for his action in the future.
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