The Minecraft players are reporting an error that reads “Exit Code 0”, following this error, the Minecraft game crashes leaving the players in awe. If you are among the players who are getting troubled with this error code, have a look at some quick fixes provided below.
It isn’t the first time Minecraft players are encountering such an error. In past also, players have encountered similar errors that occur due to different reasons. Sometimes you might face it because of low RAM, outdated version of the Java client or in other cases you may face such errors because of the game servers.
Let’s find the reasons and all possible fixes for the Exit Code 0 in Minecraft. Stay tuned!
What Is Minecraft Exit Code 0

Exit Code 0 is a new error message faced by the Minecraft players. As the error pops up on the screen, the game crashes and the players get kicked out of the game-field. The errors message reads as:
Game Crashed
An unexpected issue has occurred and the game has crashed. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.
Exit Code: 0”
According to experts, the error may occur because of issues like low RAM, outdated version of the Java client, or any possible server issues. The possible fixes you may try to get rid of this error are,
- Update your Java to the latest version
- Perform a clean reboot
- Reinstall the game
- Remove all the mods
- Update your graphic driver
- Close all conflicting programs
Let’s discuss all the above fixes in detail.
How To Fix Minecraft Exit Code 0

To get rid of the Exit Code 0 error permanently, follow the below fixes.
1. Close all the conflicting programs
As reported by some players, the Exit Code 0 issue occurs due to conflicting programs on your computer. So, players should make sure to remove unnecessary files from their PC. In most of the cases, Minecraft crashes due to any offending programs. Look for any such files and remove them in order to fix the error.
2. Update the Graphic Drivers
Another common cause for this error to occur may be a broken or outdated graphics driver. To fix the error, update your graphic drivers so that the updated driver will tackle all the compatibility issues. There are two ways to update the graphic designer. 1. Updating manually. 2. Updating Automatically.
3. Make sure you are using an updated Java
If you are using Java edition, you must check if it’s the latest Java or not. By keeping your Java updated, you can increase your gaming experience and avoid most of the gaming problems. If you are already using the latest Java, simply continue to the next fix.
Why Do I Get “Exit Code 0” In Minecraft
4. Remove the Mods
Though it is fun to play with different modes but they may occur issues sometimes. So, if you are using any mod, try removing them and check if the error gets fixed.
5. Run A Clean Boot
As all the computers have different specs and desktop setups, it is quite difficult to check what’s causing the error. So, if you are unable to spot the problem, simply run a clean boot so that your computer starts with only essential programs and services.
6. Reinstall the game
If all the above fixes do not work, uninstall all the game files and reinstall them later. While doing so, make sure to create a backup for your Minecraft folder.
You may also want to read Minecraft Repair Bow
Last Words
These were all the available fixes for the Exit Code 0 error. Hopefully, you will get of this error message by following the above information. Drop your concerns below in the comment box, if the error still prevails.